
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


6:1It pleased Darius to set ouer his kingdome an .C. and .xx. Lordes, whyche shulde be in all hys kyngdome about.
6:2Aboue these he set thre Prynces (of whom Daniel was one) that the Lordes myght geue accomptes vnto them, and the kynge to be vndiseased.
6:3But Daniel exceaded all these Prynces and Lordes, for the sprete of God was plenteous in him: so that the kynge was mynded to set hym ouer the whole realme.
6:4Wherfore the Princes and Lordes sought, to pycke out in Daniel some quarell agaynst the kyngdome: yet coulde they fynde none occasyon ner faute vpon hym. For whyche was so faythfull, that there was no blame ner dishonesty founde in hym.
6:5Then sayde these men: we wyll get no quarell agaynst thys Daniel, excepte it be in the lawe of hys God.
6:6Upon this, wente the prynces & Lordes together vnto the kinge, & sayde thus vnto hym: kynge Darius, God saue thy lyfe for euer.
6:7All the greate estates of the realme: as the Prynces, Dukes, Senatours and Iudges, are determed to put oute a commaundement of the kynge, & to make a sure statute: namely, that whoso desyreth any peticyon, ether of any God or man (within this .xxx. dayes) excepte it be onely of the, O kynge: the same person may be cast into the Lyons denne.
6:8Wherfore, O kyng, confyrme thou this statute, and make a wrytinge: that the thing which the Medes and Perses haue ordeyned be not altered ner broken.
6:9So Darius made the wrytinge, and confyrmed it.
6:10Nowe when Daniel vnderstode that the wrytinge was made, he wente into hys house: and the windowes of his wall towarde Ierusalem stode open. There kneled he downe vpon hys knees, thre tymes a daye: there he made hys peticyon, and praysed hys God, lyke as hys maner was to do afore tyme.
6:11Then these men made searche, and founde Daniel makynge hys peticyon, & prayinge vnto hys God.
6:12So they came to the kynge, & spake before him concernynge his commaundement, sayinge: O kyng, hast thou not subscribed the statute, that within .xxx. dayes who so requyreth his peticion of any God or man but onely of thy selfe, O kynge: he shalbe cast into the denne of the Lyons? The kynge answered, and sayde: yee, it is true. It must be as a lawe of the Medes & Perses, that maye not be broken.
6:13Then answered they, and sayde vnto the kynge: Daniel one of the presoners of Iuda O kyng, regardeth nether the, ner thy statute, that thou hast made, but maketh his peticyon thre tymes a daye.
6:14When the kynge hearde these wordes, he was sore greued, and wolde haue excused Daniel, to delyuer hym, and put of the matter, vnto the Sunne went downe, to the intent that he myght saue hym:
6:15These men perceauyng the kynges mynde, sayde vnto him: knowe this (O kynge) that the lawe of the Medes and Perses is, that the commaundement & statute which the kynge maketh, maye not be altered.
6:16Then the king bad them brynge Daniel, and they cast hym into the Lyons denne. The kynge also spake vnto Daniel, and sayde: thy God, whom thou alwaye seruest, euen he shall defende the.
6:17And there was brought a stone, and layed vpon the hole of the denne: this the kyng sealed with his awne rynge, and with the sygnet of hys prynces: that the kynges commaundement concernynge Daniel, shulde not be broken.
6:18So the kynge wente into hys palace, and eate no meate that nyght nether was there any mynstrelsy brought in before hym, nether coulde he take any slepe.
6:19But by tymes in the mornynge at the breake of the daye, the kynge arose, and wente in all haste vnto the denne of the Lyons.
6:20Nowe as he came nye vnto the denne, he cried with a piteous voyce vnto Daniel: yee, the kynge spake, and sayde vnto Daniel: O Daniel, thou seruaunt of the lyuinge God, is not thy God (whom thou alwaye seruest) able to delyuer the from the lyons?
6:21Daniel sayde vnto the kinge. O kyng, God saue thy lyfe for euer.
6:22My God hath sent his angell which hath shut the lyons mouthes, so that they might not hurte me. For why? mine vngyltynesse is founde out before hym. And as for the, O kynge, I neuer offended the.
6:23Then was the kynge exceadinge glad, & commaunded to take Daniel out of the denne, So Daniel was brought out of the denne, and no maner of hurte was founde vpon him. For he put hys trust in hys God.
6:24And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the kyng, commaunded to brynge them, and to cast them in the Lyons denne: them, theyr chyldren and theyr wyues. So the Lyons had the mastry of them, and brake all theyr bones asonder, or euer they came at the grounde.
6:25After thys, wrote kynge Darius vnto all people, kynreddes, and tunges, that dwelt in all landes: peace be multiplyed with you.
6:26My commaundement is, in all my dominyon and kyngdome, that men feare and stande in awe of Daniels God. For he is the lyuynge God, which abydeth euer: hys kyngdome shall not fayle, and his power is euerlastinge.
6:27It is he that delyuereth, and saueth: he doth wonders and maruelous worckes, in heauen and in earth: he hath preserued Daniel from the power of the Lyons.
6:28This Daniel prospered in the reygne of Darius and Cyrus of Persia.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."