Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
17:1 | Ahithophel sayde vnto Absalom: let me chose out nowe twelue thousande men. And I will vp, & folowe after Dauid thys nyght. |
17:2 | And I wyll come vpon hym, whyle he is werye and weake handed, and wyll feare hym: And all the people that are with hym, shall flee. And so will I smyte the kynge onlye, |
17:3 | and wyll bryng agayne all the people vnto the, euen as easely as yf I wolde brynge anye other thing. And whan I haue slayne the man whom thou sekest, all the people shall haue rest. |
17:4 | And the saying pleased Absalom well, and all the elders of Israel. |
17:5 | Then sayde Absalom: call also Husai the Arachite, and let vs heare his councell. |
17:6 | When Husai was come to Absalom, Absalom spake vnto hym, sayinge: Ahithophel hath geuen soche councell: Shall we do after his saying, or no? tell thou. |
17:7 | Husai answered vnto Absalom: the councell that Ahithophel hath geuen, is not good at this tyme: |
17:8 | For (sayd Husai) thou knowest thy father, & his men, howe that they be strong. And they be chafed in their myndes, and are euen as a Beare robbed of her whelpes in the felde. Thy father is a man also practised in warre, & maketh no tarienge with the people. |
17:9 | Beholde he lurketh now in some caue, or in some other stronge place. And though some of his men be ouerthrowen at the fyrst brunt, yet they that heare it will saye: The people that foloweth Absalom, be put to the worsse. |
17:10 | And the best men thou hast whose herttes are as the hertes of Lyons, shall shrynke therat. For all Israel knoweth, that thy father is a myghtye man, and they whych be wyth him are all men of warre. |
17:11 | Therfore my councell is, that all Israel be geathered vnto the, from Dan to Beerseba, (which are as the sande of the see in nombre) and that thou go to batayle in thyne awne person. |
17:12 | For so shall we come vpon him in one place or other, where we shall fynde hym, & we will fall vpon him euen as thicke as the dewe falleth on the grounde. And of all the men that are wyth hym, we shall not leaue hym one. |
17:13 | Moreouer, yf he be gotten into a towne then shall all the men of Israel bringe ropes to that cytie, and we wyll drawe it into the ryuer, vntyll there be not one stone founde there. |
17:14 | And Absalom and all the men of Israel sayde: the councell of Husai the Arachite is better, then the councell of Ahithophell. For it was euen the Lordes determinaycon to destroye the good councell of Ahithophel: that the Lorde myght brynge euell vpon Absalom. |
17:15 | Then sayde Husai vnto Sadock and Abiathar the Preastes of this and that maner dyd Ahithophel and the elders of Israel councell Absalom. And thus and thus haue I counceled. |
17:16 | Nowe therfore send quicklye, and shewe Dauid saying tarye not all nyght in the feldes of the wyldernesse, but gett the ouer, lest the kynge be deuoured and all the people that are wt hym. |
17:17 | Nowe Ionathas and Ahimaaz abode by the well Rogell: (for they myght not be sene to come into the cytie.) And a wenche went and tolde them. And they went, & shewed kynge Dauid. |
17:18 | Neuerthelesse a lad sawe them, and tolde it to Absalom. But they went both of them awaye quycklye, and cam to a mannes house in Bahurim, which had a well in his yarde into the whych they went downe. |
17:19 | And a woman toke and sprede a couerlet ouer the welles mouth, and strawed fyrmentie corne theron. And the thynge was not spyed. |
17:20 | And when Absaloms seruauntes came to the wyfe to the house, they sayde. Where is Ahimaaz & Ionathas? The woman answered them they be gone ouer the lytell broke of water. And when they had sought them and coulde not fynde them, they returned to Ierusalem. |
17:21 | And as sone as they were departed, the other came out of the well, and went and tolde kynge Dauid, and sayde vnto hym: vp, and get you quyckly ouer the water for soche councel hath Ahithophel geuen, agaynst you. |
17:22 | Then Dauid arose, & all the people that were wt hym, and they were come ouer Iordan be that it was daye: so that there lacked not one of them, that was not come ouer Iordan. |
17:23 | And when Ahithophel sawe, that his councell was not folowed, he sadelled his Asse, & arose, & gate hym home to hys awne house, and to hys awne cytie, and put hys housholde in order, and hanged him selfe, and dyed, and was buryed in the sepulchre of hys father. |
17:24 | Then Dauid came to Mahenaim. And Absalom passed ouer Iordan, he and all the men of Israel with him. |
17:25 | And Absalom made Amasa captayne of the hoste in stede of Ioab, whych Amasa was a mannes sonne named Iethra an Israhelite, that went into Abigail the daughter of Nahas syster to Zeruia Ioabs mother. |
17:26 | So Israel and Absalom pytched in the lande of Gilead. |
17:27 | And when Dauid was come to Mahanaim, Sobi the sonne of Nahas out of Rabba the citie of the children of Ammon, & Machir the sonne of Ammiel out of Lodeber, and Berzelai the Gileadite out of Roglim, |
17:28 | brought beddes, basens, erthen vesselles, wheat & barly, floure, and parched corne, beanes, rice, ootmell, hony, |
17:29 | butter, shepe and chese of kyene, for Dauid and all the people that were with him, to eate. For they sayd: The people is hongrye, weerye, and thyrstye in the wyldernesse. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."