
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


13:1After this it chaunced that Absalom the sonne of Dauid had a fayre syster, named Thamar, whom Amnon the sonne of Dauid loued.
13:2And he was so sore vexed, that he fell sycke for the loue of hys syster Thamar: for she was a virgyn, and he thought it harde for hym to haue hys purpose of her.
13:3But Amnon had a frende, called Ionadab, the sonne of Simeah Dauids brother: and Ionadab was a very wyse man.
13:4And he sayde vnto him: how cometh it, that thou beyng the kinges sonne, art thus consumed euery daye? Wylt thou not tell me? Amnon answered hym: I loue Thamar my brother Absaloms syster.
13:5Ionadab sayde vnto him: laye the downe on thy bedde, & make thy selfe sicke. And when thy father is come to se the, saye vnto hym: Oh let my syster Thamar come, and geue me meate, & dresse it in my syght, that I maye se it and eate it of her hande.
13:6And so Amnon laye downe, & made hym selfe sycke. And when the kynge was come to se him, Amnon sayde vnto him: Oh let Thamar my syster come, & make me a couple of frytters in my sygth, that I maye eate of her hande.
13:7Then Dauid sent home to Thamar, sayeng: go now to thy brother Amnon house, and dresse him meate.
13:8So Thamar wente to her brother Amnons house, and he was layed downe. And she toke floure, and made paste, and dressed frytters in his syght, & dyd bake them,
13:9and toke a platter, & powred them out before him, but he wolde not eate.
13:10And Amnon sayde: Haue out all men from me. And they went all out from hym. And Amnon sayde vnto Thamar: brynge the meate into the chambre, that I maye eate of thyne hand. And Thamar toke the frytters, whych she had made, & brought them into the chambre to Amnon her brother.
13:11And whan she had set them before him, to eate, he toke her, and sayd vnto her: come lye wt me my syster.
13:12And she answered him: nay my brother, do not force me, for there hath no such thinge bene done in Israel: do not thou this abhominacion.
13:13For whither shall I be able to go wt my shame? And thou shalt be as one of the foles in Israel. O speake vnto the kynge, and he shall not denye me vnto the.
13:14Howbeit he wolde not herken vnto her voyce but toke her, & forced her, and laye wt her.
13:15And then Amnon hated her excedynglye: so that the hate wher wyth he hated her, was greater then the loue, wt which he before loued her. And Amnon sayde vnto her: vp, & get the hence.
13:16She answered him: Thou hast no cause. This euell that thou puttest me awaye is greater then the other that thou dyddest vnto me. Neuerthelesse he wolde not heare her,
13:17but called his boye that serued him, & sayd: put a waye this woman from me, & bolt the dore after her.
13:18And she had a kirtell of diuerse coloures vpon her: for wt soche were the kynges daughters (that were virgines) appareled. Then his seruaunt brought her oute, and locked the dore after her.
13:19And Thamar toke & put asshes on her heed, & rent her gaye kyrtell that was on her, & layed her hande on her heed, & so went: & as she went, cryed.
13:20And Absalom her brother sayde vnto her: hath Amnon thy brother bene with the? Now yet be still my syster: he is thy brother. Let not this thynge greue thine hert And so Thamar remayned desolate in her brother Absaloms house.
13:21But whan kynge Dauid heard of all these thinges, he was very wroth.
13:22And Absalom sayde vnto hys brother Amnon nether good ner badd. Howbeit Absalom hated Amnon because he had forced hys syster Thamar.
13:23And it happened after two yere, that Absalom had shepe shearers in the playne of Hazor besyde the trybe of Ephraim, & bad all the kynges sonnes,
13:24and cam to the kyng, & sayd: beholde, thy seruaunt hath shepe sherers, let the kynge wt his seruauntes come to thy seruaunte.
13:25The king answered Absalom: naye my sonne. We will not go all, ner be chargeable vnto the. And Absalom laye sore vpon hym: howbeit he wolde not go, but blessed hym.
13:26Then sayd Absalom: Yf thou wylt not come, then let my brother Amnon go wt vs. And the kynge answered hym: what nedeth it, that he go wyth the?
13:27But Absalom made soche instance that he let Amnon, & all the kynges chyldren go with hym.
13:28Nowe had Absalom commaunded his younge men, sayenge: marke when Amnons hert is mery wyth wyne & when I byd you smyte Amnon, then kyll hym: and feare not, haue not I bydden you? be bolde therfore, & playe the men.
13:29And the younge men of Absalom dyd vnto Amnon euen as Absalom had commaunded. And all the kynges sonnes arose, & euery man gat hym vp, vpon hys Mule, & fled.
13:30And it fortuned, that whyle they were yet in the waye, tydynges cam to Dauid sayeng: Absalom hath slayne all the kynges sonnes, & there is none left alyue.
13:31Then Dauid arose, & tare his garmentes, and laye along on the erth: & all his seruauntes stode by with theyr clothes rent.
13:32And Ionadab the sonne of Simeah Dauids brother, answered, and sayde: let not my Lorde suppose that they haue slayne all the younge men the kynges sonnes, saue Amnon only is deed. For that hath bene determined in Absaloms mynde, sence he forced hys syster Thamar.
13:33Nowe therfore, let not my Lorde the kynge take the thynge so greuouslye, to thincke that all the kinges sonnes are deed, saue Amnon only is deed.
13:34But Absalom fled. And the younge man that kept the watche, lyfte vp hys eyes, and loked: And beholde, ther cam moche people by a waye, a longe by the hynder parte on an hylles syde.
13:35And Ionadab sayde vnto the kynge: beholde, the kynges sonnes come: As thy seruaunt sayde, so it is.
13:36And as sone as he had lefte speakynge: beholde, the kynges sonnes came, and lyfte vp theyr voyces, and wepte. The kynge also and all hys seruauntes wepte excedyngly.
13:37But Absalom escaped, and went to Thalmai the sonne of Amihur kynge of Gesur. And Dauid mourned for hys sonne euery daye.
13:38And so Absalom escaped and went to Gesur, and was there thre yeares.
13:39And kynge Dauid desyred to go forth vnto Absalom: For where as Amnon was deed, he was comforted ouer hym.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."