
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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1 John 3:15

(Click on the Strongs Numbers)

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

G3956 Whosoever πας
G3588   ο
G3404 hateth μισων
G3588   τον
G80 brother αδελφον
G846 him αυτου
G443 a murderer ανθρωποκτονος
G1510   εστιν
G2532 and και
G1492 ye know οιδατε
G3754 that οτι
G3956 no πας
G443 murderer ανθρωποκτονος
G3756   ουκ
G2192 hath εχει
G2222 life ζωην
G166 eternal αιωνιον
G1722 in εν
G846 him αυτω
G3306 abiding μενουσαν

King James Bible (Oxford 1769)

G3956 Whosoever
G3404 hateth
G848 his
G80 brother
G443 murderer
G1492 know
G3754 that
G443 murderer
G2192 hath
G166 eternal
G2222 life
G3306 abiding
G846 him

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Greek-English Dictionary

Strongs: G1492
Greek: εἴδω
Transliteration: eidō
Pronunciation: i'-do
Part of Speech: Verb
Bible Usage: be aware behold X-(idiom) can (+ not tell) consider (have) known (-ledge) look (on) perceive see be sure tell understand wist wot. Compare G3700 .

used only in certain past tenses the others being borrowed from the equivalent G3700 and G3708; properly to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perfect only) to know

1. to see

a. to perceive with the eyes

b. to perceive by any of the senses

c. to perceive, notice, discern, discover

d. to see

1. i.e. to turn the eyes, the mind, the attention to anything

2. to pay attention, observe

3. to see about something 1d

2. i.e. to ascertain what must be done about it

1. to inspect, examine

2. to look at, behold

a. to experience any state or condition

b. to see i.e. have an interview with, to visit

3. to know

a. to know of anything

b. to know, i.e. get knowledge of, understand, perceive

1. of any fact

2. the force and meaning of something which has definite meaning

3. to know how, to be skilled in

c. to have regard for one, cherish, pay attention to (1Th. 5:


Thayer's Greek–English Lexicon
of the New Testament 1889
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
by James Strong (S.T.D.) (LL.D.) 1890.