Textus Receptus Bibles
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6:1 | Howe dare one of you hauynge busines wyth another, go to law vnder the wycked, and not rather vnder the sainctes? |
6:2 | Do ye not knowe that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde? Yf the world shal be iudged by you: are ye not good ynoughe to iudge smal tryfles: |
6:3 | know ye not how that we shal iudge the aungels? Howe much more maye we iudge thinges that pertayne to the lyfe? |
6:4 | Yf ye haue iudgementes of worldlye matters, take them whiche are despised in the congregacion, and make them iudges. |
6:5 | Thys I saye to youre shame. Is there vtterlye no wyse man amonge you. What, not one at al, that can iudge betwene brother and brother, |
6:6 | but one brother goeth to lawe with another, and that vnder the vnbeleuers? |
6:7 | Nowe therfore, there is vtterlye a faute amonge you, because ye go to law one wyth another. Why rather suffer ye not wronge? Why rather suffre ye not youre selues to be robbed? |
6:8 | naye, ye youre selues do wronge, and robbe: and that the brethren. |
6:9 | Do ye not remembre, howe that the vnrightuous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceyued. For neither fornicatours, neither worshipers of ymages, neither whormongers, neyther weaklinges, neither abusers of them selues wyth the mankynde, |
6:10 | neither theues, neythe couetous, neither dronkardes, neither cursed speakers, neither pyllars, shall inherete the kyngedome of God. |
6:11 | And suche were ye verelye, but ye are washed, ye are sanctifyed, ye are iustifyed by the name of the Lorde Iesus, and by the spyryte of our God. |
6:12 | All thinges are lawfull vnto me: but all thinges are not profitable. I may do all thynges, but I wil be brought vnder no mans power, |
6:13 | Meates are ordeyned for the belly, and the belly for meates, but God shall destroye both it and them. Let not the bodye be applied vnto fornication, but vnto the Lorde, and the Lorde vnto the body. |
6:14 | God hath raysed vp the Lorde, and shal rayse vs vp by his power. |
6:15 | Either remembre ye not, that youre bodyes are the membres of Christe, shal I now take the membres of Christ, and make them the membres of an harlotte? God forbid. |
6:16 | Do ye not vnderstande, that he whiche coupleth him selfe with an harlot, is become one body? For two (sayth he) shalbe one flesh. |
6:17 | But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde, is one spyryte. |
6:18 | Fle fornycatyon. Al synnes that a man doth, are without the body. But he that is a fornicatour, sinneth agaynst his owne bodye. |
6:19 | Either knowe ye not howe that youre bodies are the temple of the holye ghoste, whyche is in you, whome ye haue of God, and how that ye are not your owne? |
6:20 | For ye are dearlye boughte. Therfore glorifye ye God in youre bodyes, and in youre spyrytes, for they are Goddes. |
6:1 | Darre one of you hauynge busynes wyth another, go to lawe vnder the wycked, & not rather vnder the saynctes? |
6:2 | Do ye not knowe, that the saynctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good inough to iudge small trifles? |
6:3 | knowe ye not, howe that we shall iudge the angels? Howe moche more, maye we iudge thinges that pertayne to the lyfe? |
6:4 | If ye haue iudgementes of worldely matters, take then whych are despysed in the congregacyon, and make them iudges. |
6:5 | This I saye to youre shame. Is ther vtterly no wyse man amonge you? What not one at all, that can iudge betwene brother and brother, |
6:6 | but one brother goeth to lawe wt another: and that vnder the vnbeleuers? |
6:7 | Nowe therfore, there is vtterly a faute amonge you, because ye go to lawe one wyth another. Why rather suffer ye not wronge? why rather suffre ye not your selues to haue harme? |
6:8 | naye, ye youre selues do wronge, and robbe: & that the brethren. |
6:9 | Do ye not knowe, how that the vnryghteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaued. For nether fornicatours, nether worshyppers of ymages, nether aduoutrers, nether weaklynges, nether abusers of them selues wyth mankynde, |
6:10 | nether theues, nether couetouse, nether dronkardes, nether cursed speakers, nether pyllers, shall inheret the kyngdome of God. |
6:11 | And soch were some of you, but ye are wasshed: but ye are sanctifyed: but ye are iustifyed by the name of the Lorde Iesus, & by the sprete of oure God. |
6:12 | I maye do all thynges, but all thynges are not profytable. I maye do all thynges: but I will be brought vnder no mans power. |
6:13 | Meates are ordeyned for the belly, & the belly for meates: but God shall destroye both it and them. Let not the body be applyed vnto fornicacyon, but vnto the Lorde, and the Lorde vnto the body. |
6:14 | God hath raysed vp the Lorde, and shall rayse vs vp by hys power. |
6:15 | Ether knowe ye not, that youre bodyes are the membres of Christ? shall I nowe take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbyd. |
6:16 | Do ye not knowe, that he whych coupleth hym selfe wt an harlot, is become one body. For two (sayth he) shalbe one flesshe. |
6:17 | But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde is one sprete. |
6:18 | Fle fornicacion. Euery synne that a man doth, is without the body. But he that is a fornicator, synneth against his awne body. |
6:19 | Ether knowe ye not, how that youre bodyes are the temple of the holy ghost, which dwelleth in you, whom ye haue of God, and how that ye are not youre awne? |
6:20 | For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifye God in youre bodyes, and in youre spretes, which are Goddes. |
6:1 | Dare any of you, hauing businesse against an other, be iudged vnder the vniust, and not vnder the Saintes? |
6:2 | Doe ye not knowe, that the Saintes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde then shalbe iudged by you, are ye vnworthie to iudge the smallest matters? |
6:3 | Knowe ye not that we shall iudge the Angels? howe much more, things that perteine to this life? |
6:4 | If then ye haue iudgements of things perteining to this life, set vp them which are least esteemed in the Church. |
6:5 | I speake it to your shame. Is it so that there is not a wise man among you? no not one, that can iudge betweene his brethren? |
6:6 | But a brother goeth to law with a brother, and that vnder the infidels. |
6:7 | Nowe therefore there is altogether infirmitie in you, in that yee goe to lawe one with another: why rather suffer ye not wrong? why rather susteine yee not harme? |
6:8 | Nay, yee your selues doe wrong, and doe harme, and that to your brethren. |
6:9 | Knowe yee not that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God? Be not deceiued: neither fornicatours, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wantons, nor buggerers, |
6:10 | Nor theeues, nor couetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God. |
6:11 | And such were some of you: but yee are washed, but yee are sanctified, but yee are iustified in the Name of the Lord Iesus, and by the Spirit of our God. |
6:12 | All thinges are lawfull vnto mee, but all thinges are not profitable. I may doe all things, but I will not be brought vnder the power of any thing. |
6:13 | Meates are ordeined for the bellie, and the belly for the meates: but God shall destroy both it, and them. Nowe the bodie is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the bodie. |
6:14 | And God hath also raised vp the Lord, and shall raise vs vp by his power. |
6:15 | Knowe yee not, that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. |
6:16 | Doe ye not knowe, that he which coupleth himselfe with an harlot, is one body? for two, sayeth he, shalbe one flesh. |
6:17 | But hee that is ioyned vnto the Lord, is one spirite. |
6:18 | Flee fornication: euery sinne that a man doeth, is without the bodie: but hee that committeth fornication, sinneth against his owne bodie. |
6:19 | Knowe yee not, that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost, which is in you, whom ye haue of God? and yee are not your owne. |
6:20 | For yee are bought for a price: therefore glorifie God in your bodie, and in your spirit: for they are Gods. |
The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
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Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
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