Textus Receptus Bibles
Parallel Bibles
10:1 | Bretherne, my hertes desyre, and prayer to God for Israell is that they myghte be saued. |
10:2 | For I beare them recorde that they haue a feruent mynde to Godwarde, but not accordynge to knoweledge. |
10:3 | For they are ignoraunte of the ryghteousnes whiche is alowed before God, and go aboute to stablish theyr owne ryghtuousnes, and therfore are not obediente vnto the ryghtuousnes whiche is of valoure before God. |
10:4 | For Christe is the ende of the lawe, to iustifye all that beleue. |
10:5 | Moyses descrybeth the ryghtuousnes whiche cometh of the lawe, howe that the man which doeth the thynges of the lawe, shal liue therein. |
10:6 | But the ryghtuousnes which cometh of fayth, speaketh on thys wyse. Saye not in thyne herte who shall ascende into heauen? (that is nothyng els, but to fetch Christ doune) |
10:7 | Other who shall descende into the depe? (that is nothynge els, but to fetche vp Christe from death). |
10:8 | But what sayeth the scripture? The worde is nye the, euen in thy mouth & in thyne herte. Thys worde is the word of faith which we preache. |
10:9 | For yf thou shalt knoweledge with thy mouthe that Iesus is the Lorde, and shalte beleue with thyne herte that God raysed hym vp from death, thou shalte be safe. |
10:10 | For the beliefe of the herte iustifyeth: and to knoweledge with the mouth, maketh a man safe. |
10:11 | For the scripture sayth whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be ashamed. |
10:12 | There is no difference betwene the Iewe, & the gentyll. For one is Lorde of all whiche is ryche vnto all that call on hym. |
10:13 | For whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde, shalbe safe. |
10:14 | But how shall they call on hym, on whom they beleued not? howe shall they beleue no hym of whom they haue not hearde? howe shall they heare withoute a preacher? |
10:15 | And howe shall they preache except they be sent? As it is wrytten: howe beautyfull are the fete of them whiche brynge glad tydynges of peace, and bryng glad tydynges of good thynges. |
10:16 | But they haue not all obeyed to the Gospell. For Esayas sayeth: Lorde, who shal beleue oure saiynges? |
10:17 | So then fayth cometh by the worde of God. |
10:18 | But I axe. Haue they not hearde? No doubte, theyr sounde went out into all landes, and theyr wordes into the endes of the worlde. |
10:19 | But I demaund, whether Israel dyd knowe or not? Fyrste Moyses sayth: I will prouoke you for to enuye, by them that are no people, and by a folyshe nacyon I will anger you. |
10:20 | Esayas after that is bolde and sayth: I am founde of the, that soughte me not, & haue appeared to them that axed not after me. |
10:21 | And agaynste Israell he sayth: All daye long haue I stretched forth my handes vnto a people that beleueth not, but speaketh agaynste me. |
10:1 | Brethren, my hertes desyre & prayer to God for Israelis, that they myght be saued. |
10:2 | For I beare them recorde, that they haue a feruent mynde to God warde, but not according to knowledge. |
10:3 | For they beynge ignoraunt of Goddes ryghtewesnes, and goynge aboute to stablysshe theyr awne ryghtewesnes, haue not bene obedient vnto the ryghtewesnes of God. |
10:4 | For Christ is the fulfyllyng of the lawe, to iustyfye all that beleue. |
10:5 | For Moses wrytteth of the ryghtewesnes which cometh of the lawe, how that the man whych doth the thynges of the lawe, shall lyue therby. |
10:6 | But the ryghtewesnes which cometh of fayth, speaketh on thys wyse: Saye not thou in thyne hert. who shall ascende into heauen (that is euen to fetch Chryst downe from aboue.) |
10:7 | Other who shall descende into the depe? (that is euen to fetch vp Christ agayne from deeth) |
10:8 | But what sayth he? The worde is nye the, euen in thy mouth and in thyne herte. Thys same is the worde of fayth, which we preache. |
10:9 | For yf thou knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde, & beleue in thyne hert, that God raysed hym vp from deeth, thou shalt be safe. |
10:10 | For to beleue wt the hert iustyfyeth: and to knowledge with the mouth, maketh a man safe. |
10:11 | For the scrypture sayth: whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded. |
10:12 | There is no difference betwene the Iewe and the Gentill. For one is Lord of all, which is ryche vnto all that call vpon him. |
10:13 | For whosoeuer doth call on the name of the Lord, shalbe safe. |
10:14 | How then shall they call on hym, on whom they haue not beleued? how shall they beleue on hym, of whom they haue not hearde? how shall they heare, without a preacher? |
10:15 | And how shall they preache except they be sent? As it is written: how beautyfull are the fete of them which brynge tydynges of peace, and brynge tydynges of good thynges. |
10:16 | But they haue not all obeyed to the Gospell. For Esay sayth: Lorde, who hath beleued oure sayinges? |
10:17 | So then fayth cometh by hearynge, and hearynge cometh by the worde of God. |
10:18 | But I aske: haue they not herde? No dout, their sounde went out into all landes: and their wordes into the endes of the worlde. |
10:19 | But I demaunde, whether Israel dyd knowe or not? Fyrst Moses sayth: I will prouoke you to enuy, by them that are no people: by a folysihe nacion I wyll anger you. |
10:20 | Esay after that, is bolde and sayeth: I am founde of them, that sought me not: I am manyfest vnto them, that asked not after me. |
10:21 | But agaynst Israell he sayth: all daye longe haue I stretched forth my handes vnto a people that beleueth not, but speaketh agaynst me. |
10:1 | Brethren, mine hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saued. |
10:2 | For I beare them record, that they haue the zeale of God, but not according to knowledge. |
10:3 | For they, being ignorant of the righteousnes of God, and going about to stablish their owne righteousnes, haue not submitted themselues to the righteousnes of God. |
10:4 | For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousnes vnto euery one that beleeueth. |
10:5 | For Moses thus describeth the righteousnes which is of the Lawe, That the man which doeth these things, shall liue thereby. |
10:6 | But the righteousnes which is of faith, speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heauen? (that is to bring Christ from aboue) |
10:7 | Or, Who shall descend into the deepe? (that is to bring Christ againe from the dead) |
10:8 | But what sayth it? The worde is neere thee, euen in thy mouth, and in thine heart. This is the worde of faith which we preach. |
10:9 | For if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus, and shalt beleeue in thine heart, that God raised him vp from the dead, thou shalt be saued: |
10:10 | For with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes, and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation. |
10:11 | For the Scripture saith, Whosoeuer beleeueth in him, shall not be ashamed. |
10:12 | For there is no difference betweene the Iewe and the Grecian: for he that is Lord ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call on him. |
10:13 | For whosoeuer shall call vpon the Name of the Lord, shalbe saued. |
10:14 | But how shall they call on him, in whome they haue not beleeued? and how shall they beleeue in him, of whom they haue not heard? and howe shall they heare without a preacher? |
10:15 | And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, Howe beautifull are the feete of them which bring glad tidings of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! |
10:16 | But they haue not all obeyed ye Gospel: for Esaias saith, Lord, who hath beleeued our report? |
10:17 | Then faith is by hearing, and hearing by the worde of God. |
10:18 | But I demaund, Haue they not heard? No doubt their sound went out through all the earth, and their wordes into the endes of the worlde. |
10:19 | But I demaund, Did not Israel knowe God? First Moses sayth, I will prouoke you to enuie by a nation that is not my nation, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. |
10:20 | And Esaias is bolde, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not, and haue bene made manifest to them that asked not after me. |
10:21 | And vnto Israel hee sayth, All the day long haue I stretched foorth mine hand vnto a disobedient, and gainesaying people. |
The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
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Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
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