Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
2:1 | I woulde ye knewe what fightinge I haue for your sakes, & for them of Laodicia, and for as many as haue not sene my person in the fleshe, |
2:2 | that their hertes mighte be comforted and knit together in loue, and in all riches of full vnderstandinge for to knowe the mystery of God the father and of Christe, |
2:3 | in whom are hyd al the treasures of wysdom and knowledge. |
2:4 | This I saye leaste anye man shoulde begyle you with entisyng wordes. |
2:5 | For though I be absent in fleshe: yet am I present with you in the spirite ioyenge and beholdinge the order that ye kepe, and your stedfast faith in Christ. |
2:6 | As ye haue therfore receiued Christe Iesus the Lorde, euen so walke, |
2:7 | roted and builte in him and stedfaste in the fayth as ye haue learned, and therin be plentuous in geuing thankes. |
2:8 | Beware least anye man come and spoyle you thorowe philosophie and disceitful vanitie, thorowe the tradicions of men, and ordinaunces after the world, and not after Christ. |
2:9 | For in him dwelleth al the fulnes of the Godhead bodely, |
2:10 | and ye are complete in hym, whiche is the head of al rule and power, |
2:11 | in whom also ye are circumcysed with circumcision made withoute handes, by puttinge of the synful body of the fleshe thorow the circumcision, that is in Christ, |
2:12 | in that ye are buried, wt him thorow baptisme in whom ye are also risen again thorow fayth, that is wroughte by the operacion of God, which raysed hym from death. |
2:13 | And ye which were dead in sinne thorow the vncircumcision of youre fleshe, hath he quyckened with him, and hath forgeuen vs al oure treaspases. |
2:14 | And hath put out the hande wryttinge that was againste vs, contayned in the lawe wrytten, and that hath he taken out of the waye, and hath fastened it to his crosse, |
2:15 | and hath spoiled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openlye, and hath tryumphed ouer them in hys owne persone. |
2:16 | Let no man therfore trouble youre consciences aboute meate and drincke, or for a peace of an holye daye, as the holy daye of the new mone, or of the Saboth dayes, |
2:17 | whyche are nothinge, but shaddowes of thinges to come, but the bodye is in Christe. |
2:18 | Let no man make you shoute at a wronge marke which after his owne ymaginacion walketh in the humblenes and holynes of aungels, thynges which he neuer sawe: causelesse puft vp with his fleshely minde, |
2:19 | and holdeth not the head, wherof all the bodye by ioyntes and couples receyueth nouryshment, & is knyt together, & encreaseth wyth the increasynge that cometh of God. |
2:20 | Wherfore yf ye be deade wyth Christe from the ordinaunces of the world, why as though ye yet liued in the worlde, are ye ledde wyth tradicions of them that saye? |
2:21 | Touche not, tast not, handel not, |
2:22 | whiche all perishe wyth the vsynge of them, and are after the commaundementes and doctrines of men, |
2:23 | which thinges haue the symilitude of wysdome in chosen holines and humblenes, and in that they spare not the bodye, and do the fleshe no worship vnto his nede. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.