
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


1:1Thys is the worde of the Lord that came vnto Micheas the Morastite, in the dayes of Iothan, Ahas & Iehezekiah kinges of Iuda: which was shewed hym vpon Samaria & Ierusalem.
1:2Heare all ye people, marcke thys well O earth, and all that therin is: Yee the Lorde God hym selfe be wytnesse amonge you, euen the Lord from hys holy temple.
1:3For why? beholde, the Lord shal go oute of his place, & come downe & treade vpon the hye thynges of the earth.
1:4The mountaynes shall consume vnder hym, and the valleyes shall cleue asunder, lyke as wax consumeth at the fyre, & as the waters runne downwarde.
1:5And all this shall be for the wyckednesse of Iacob, and the synnes of the house of Israell. But what is the wyckednesse of Iacob? Is not Samaria? Whiche are the hye places of Iuda? Is not Ierusalem?
1:6Therfore I shall make Samaria an heape of stones in the felde, to laye aboute the vineyarde: her stones shall I cast in to the valley, & discouer her foundacions.
1:7All her Images shalbe broken downe & all her wynnynges shalbe brent in the fyre: yee all her Idols wyll I destroye: for why, they are gathered out of the hyre of an whore, and in to an whores hyre shall they be turned agayne.
1:8Wherfore I wyll mourne and make lamentacion, bare & naked wyll I go: I must mourne lyke the dragons, and take sorow as the Estriches:
1:9for their wounde is past remedy: And why? it is come in to Iuda, & hath touched the porte of my people at Ierusalem alredy.
1:10Wepe not, lest they at Geth perceyue it. Thou at Betaphra, welter thy self in the dust & asshes.
1:11Thou that dwellest at Sephir get the hence with shame. The proude shall boost nomore for very sorowe: and why? her neyghboure shall take from her what she hath.
1:12The rebellyous cytye hopeth, that it shal not be so euell: but for all that, the plage shall come from the Lorde, euen in to the porte of Ierusalem.
1:13The greate noyse of the charettes shal feare them, that dwell at Lachis, whyche is an occasyon of the synne of the daughter of Sion, for in the came vp the wyckednesses of Israell.
1:14Yee she sent her coursers in to the lande of Geth. The houses of lyes wyll dysceaue the kinges of Israell.
1:15And as for the (O thou that dwellest at Morassa) I shall brynge a possessioner vpon the, and the plage of Israel shall reach vnto Odolla.
1:16Make the balde, & shaue the, because of thy tender chyldren: Make the cleane balde as an Aegle, for they shalbe caryed awaye captyue from the.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.