
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Compares the 1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus with the King James Bible.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Acts 19:39


Textus Receptus (Scrivener 1894)

ει δε τι περι ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται

Textus Receptus (Elzevir 1624)

ει δε τι περι ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται

Textus Receptus (Beza 1598)

ει δε τι περι ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

ει δε τι περι ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται

Byzantine Majority Text 2000

ει δε τι περι ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται

Byzantine Majority Text (Family 35)

ει δε τι περι ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται

Textus Receptus New Testament Variants

Textus Receptus (TR),
Byzantine Majority Text (BM),
Alexandrian Text (Ax)

ει δε τι Ax περαιτερω TR/BM περι TR/BM ετερων επιζητειτε εν τη εννομω εκκλησια επιλυθησεται



Reina Valera 1909

Y si demandáis alguna otra cosa, en legítima asamblea se pueda decidir.



King James Bible 2016

But if you have inquire anything concerning other matters, it should be determined in the lawful assembly.

King James Bible 1769

But if ye enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly.

King James Bible 1611

But if yee enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shalbe determined in a lawfull assembly.

Green's Literal Translation 1993

But if you seek concerning other things, it will be settled in a lawful assembly.

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

But if ye inquire anything concerning, other things, it shall be explained in a lawful assembly.

Young's Literal Translation 1862

`And if ye seek after anything concerning other matters, in the legal assembly it shall be determined;

Revised Young's Literal NT 2000

Webster's Bible 1833

But if ye inquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly.

Bishops Bible 1568

But yf ye inquire any thyng concernyng other matters, it shalbe determined in a lawfull assemblie.

Geneva Bible 1560/1599

But if ye inquire any thing cocerning other matters, it may be determined in a lawful assembly.

The Great Bible 1539

But yf ye goo aboute eny other thynge, it shall be determined in a lawfull congregacyon.

Matthew's Bible 1537

Yf ye go aboute any other thynge, it may be determined in a lawful congregacion.

Coverdale Bible 1535

But yf ye wil go aboute eny other thinge, it maye be determyned in a laufull congregacion.

Tyndale Bible 1534

Yf ye goo about eny other thinge it maye be determined in a lawfull cogregacion

Wycliffe Bible 1382

If ye seken ouyt of ony othir thing, it may be assoylid in the lawful chirche.

English Majority Text Version 2009

But if you are wanting to know anything about other [matters], it shall be determined by the lawful assembly.

The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Further details

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
Permission to non-commercially distribute freely