
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Acts 17:6


Textus Receptus (Scrivener 1894)

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν

Textus Receptus (Elzevir 1624)

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν

Textus Receptus (Beza 1598)

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν

Byzantine Majority Text 2000

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν

Byzantine Majority Text (Family 35)

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν

Textus Receptus New Testament Variants

Textus Receptus (TR),
Byzantine Majority Text (BM),
Alexandrian Text (Ax)

μη ευροντες δε αυτους εσυρον TR/BM τον ιασονα και τινας αδελφους επι τους πολιταρχας βοωντες οτι οι την οικουμενην αναστατωσαντες ουτοι και ενθαδε παρεισιν



Reina Valera 1909

Mas no hallándolos, trajeron á Jasón y á algunos hermanos á los gobernadores de la ciudad, dando voces: Estos que alborotan el mundo, también han venido acá;



King James Bible 2016

But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, shouting, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here also,

King James Bible 1769

And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

King James Bible 1611

And when they found them not, they drew Iason, and certaine brethren vnto the rulers of the citie, crying, These that haue turned the world vpside downe, are come hither also,

Green's Literal Translation 1993

But not finding them, they dragged Jason and some brothers before the city judges, crying, Those turning the habitable world upside down have come here, too;

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

And not having found them, they drew Jason and certain brethren to the rulers of the city, crying, That those having subverted the habitable globe, these also are present here;

Young's Literal Translation 1862

and not having found them, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the city rulers, calling aloud -- `These, having put the world in commotion, are also here present,

Revised Young's Literal NT 2000

Webster's Bible 1833

And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren to the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down, have come hither also;

Bishops Bible 1568

And when they founde them not, they drewe Iason and certaine brethren vnto the heades of the citie, crying: these that trouble the world, are come hyther also,

Geneva Bible 1560/1599

But when they found them not, they drew Iason and certaine brethren vnto the heads of the citie, crying, These are they which haue subuerted the state of the world, and here they are,

The Great Bible 1539

And when they founde them not they drue Iason, & certayne brethren vnto the heades of the cytie, cryinge: these that trouble the worlde, are come hyther also,

Matthew's Bible 1537

But when they found them not, they drue Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heades of the citie, criynge: these that trouble the worlde are come hyther also,

Coverdale Bible 1535

But whan they founde them not, they drue Iason, and certayne brethren vnto the rulers of the cite, and cryed: These that trouble all the worlde, are come hither also,

Tyndale Bible 1534

But when they founde them not they drue Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heedes of the cite cryinge: these that trouble the worlde are come hydder also

Wycliffe Bible 1382

And whanne thei founden hem not, thei drowen Jasoun and summe britheren to the princis of the citee, and crieden, That these it ben, that mouen the world, and hidir thei camen,

English Majority Text Version 2009

But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brothers to the rulers of the city, crying out, "The men who have upset the whole world, these have come here, too;

The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Further details

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
Permission to non-commercially distribute freely