
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Luke 19:4


Textus Receptus (Scrivener 1894)

και προδραμων εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι συκομωραιαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι δι εκεινης ημελλεν διερχεσθαι

Textus Receptus (Elzevir 1624)

και προδραμων εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι συκομορεαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι δι εκεινης ημελλεν διερχεσθαι

Textus Receptus (Beza 1598)

και προδραμων εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι συκομωραιαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι δι εκεινης ημελλεν διερχεσθαι

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

και προδραμων εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι συκομωραιαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι δι εκεινης ημελλεν διερχεσθαι

Byzantine Majority Text 2000

και προδραμων εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι συκομωραιαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι δι εκεινης εμελλεν διερχεσθαι

Byzantine Majority Text (Family 35)

και προδραμων εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι συκομοραιαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι εκεινης ημελλεν διερχεσθαι

Textus Receptus New Testament Variants

Textus Receptus (TR),
Byzantine Majority Text (BM),
Alexandrian Text (Ax)

και προδραμων Ax εις Ax το εμπροσθεν ανεβη επι Ax συκομορεαν TR/BM συκομωραιαν ινα ιδη αυτον οτι BM δι TR δι εκεινης BM εμελλεν TR/Ax ημελλεν διερχεσθαι



Reina Valera 1909

Y corriendo delante, subióse á un árbol sicómoro para verle; porque había de pasar por allí.



King James Bible 2016

So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, because He was going to pass that way.

King James Bible 1769

And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

King James Bible 1611

And he ranne before, and climed vp into a sycomore tree to see him, for he was to passe that way.

Green's Literal Translation 1993

And running ahead, he went up onto a sycamore tree, so that he might see Him; for He was going to pass through that way .

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

And having run before, he went up upon an Egyptian fig tree, that he might see him: for he was about to pass through that.

Young's Literal Translation 1862

and having run forward before, he went up on a sycamore, that he may see him, because through that `way' he was about to pass by.

Revised Young's Literal NT 2000

Webster's Bible 1833

And he ran before, and climbed up upon a sycamore-tree to see him; for he was to pass that way.

Bishops Bible 1568

And he ran before, and clymed vp into a wylde fygge tree, to see hym: for he was to come that way.

Geneva Bible 1560/1599

Wherefore he ranne before, and climed vp into a wilde figge tree, that he might see him: for he should come that way.

The Great Bible 1539

And he ran before, and clymed vp into a wylde fygge tree, to se him: for he was to come that waye.

Matthew's Bible 1537

Wherfore he ran before and ascended vp into a wylde figge tree, to se him: for he should come that same way.

Coverdale Bible 1535

And he ranne before, and clymmed vp in to a wylde fygge tre, that he might se him: for he shulde come yt waye.

Tyndale Bible 1534

Wherfore he ran before and asceded vp into a wilde fygge tree to se him: for he shulde come that same waye.

Wycliffe Bible 1382

And he ran bifore, and stiyede in to a sicomoure tree, to se hym; for he was to passe fro thennus.

Wessex Gospels 1175

Ða arn he be-foren & stah up an treow sicomorum þt he hine ge-seage. for-þan he wolde þanen faren.

English Majority Text Version 2009

And running up ahead in front, he went up into a sycamore tree so that he might see Him, because He was about to pass by that way.

The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Further details

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
Permission to non-commercially distribute freely