
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Luke 14:31


Textus Receptus (Scrivener 1894)

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον

Textus Receptus (Elzevir 1624)

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον

Textus Receptus (Beza 1598)

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον

Byzantine Majority Text 2000

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον

Byzantine Majority Text (Family 35)

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον

Textus Receptus New Testament Variants

Textus Receptus (TR),
Byzantine Majority Text (BM),
Alexandrian Text (Ax)

η τις βασιλευς πορευομενος TR/BM συμβαλειν ετερω βασιλει Ax συμβαλειν εις πολεμον ουχι καθισας πρωτον Ax βουλευσεται TR/BM βουλευεται ει δυνατος εστιν εν δεκα χιλιασιν Ax υπαντησαι TR/BM απαντησαι τω μετα εικοσι χιλιαδων ερχομενω επ αυτον



Reina Valera 1909

¿O cuál rey, habiendo de ir á hacer guerra contra otro rey, sentándose primero no consulta si puede salir al encuentro con diez mil al que viene contra él con veinte mil?



King James Bible 2016

Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?"

King James Bible 1769

Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?

King James Bible 1611

Or what king going to make war against another king, sitteth not downe first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand, to meete him that commeth against him with twentie thousand?

Green's Literal Translation 1993

Or what king going to attack another king in war does not first sit down and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand to meet those coming upon him with twenty thousands?

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

Or what king, going to fight with another king in war, not, having sat down first, consults, if he be able with ten thousand to meet him coming with twenty thousand against him?

Young's Literal Translation 1862

`Or what king going on to engage with another king in war, doth not, having sat down, first consult if he be able with ten thousand to meet him who with twenty thousand is coming against him?

Revised Young's Literal NT 2000

Webster's Bible 1833

Or what king going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?

Bishops Bible 1568

Or what kyng, goyng to make battell against another kyng, sitteth not downe first, and casteth in his mynde, whether he be able with ten thousande, to meete hym, that commeth agaynst hym with twentie thousande?

Geneva Bible 1560/1599

Or what King going to make warre against another King, sitteth not downe first, and taketh counsell, whether he be able with ten thousande, to meete him that commeth against him with twentie thousand?

The Great Bible 1539

Or what kyng goinge to make batayle agaynst another kinge, sytteth not downe fyrst, and casteth in his mynde, whether he be able with ten thousande, to mete him, that commeth agaynst him with .xx. thousande?

Matthew's Bible 1537

Or what kynge goeth to make batayle agaynste another kynge, & sytteth not doune fyrste, and casteth in hys mynd, whyther he be able with ten thousande to mete hym that cometh against him with twentye thousande.

Coverdale Bible 1535

Or what kynge wil go to make battayl agaynst another kynge, and sytteth not downe first, and casteth in his mynde, whether he be able with ten thousande, to mete him that commeth agaynst him with twentye thousande?

Tyndale Bible 1534

Or what kynge goeth to make batayle agaynst another kinge and sitteth not doune fyrst and casteth in his mynde whether he be able wt ten thousande to mete him that cometh agaynst him wt .xx thousand.

Wycliffe Bible 1382

Or what kyng that wole go to do a bataile ayens anothir kyng, whether he sittith not first, and bithenkith, if he may with ten thousynde go ayens hym that cometh ayens hym with twenti thousynde?

Wessex Gospels 1175

Oððe gyf hwilc kyning wile faran & feohten on-gean oðerne kyng. hu ne sit he ær & þencd hwaðer he mage mid teon þusenden cumen agen þane þe him agen kymð mid twentigen þusenden.

English Majority Text Version 2009

Or what king, going to engage another king in battle, [does] not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Further details

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
Permission to non-commercially distribute freely