
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Exodus 1:6


Masoretic Text 1524

וימת יוסף וכל אחיו וכל הדור ההוא׃



Reina Valera 1909

Y murió José, y todos sus hermanos, y toda aquella generación.



King James Bible 1769

And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.

King James Bible 1611

And Ioseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.

Green's Literal Translation 1993

And Joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation.

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

And Joseph will die, and all his brethren, and all that generation.

Young's Literal Translation 1862

And Joseph dieth, and all his brethren, and all that generation;

Revised Young's Literal NT 2000

Webster's Bible 1833

And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.

Bishops Bible 1568

But Ioseph was in Egypt alredy, & Ioseph dyed, and all his brethren, and all that generation

Geneva Bible 1560/1599

Nowe Ioseph died and all his brethren, and that whole generation.

The Great Bible 1539

And Ioseph dyed and all hys brethren and all that generacyon,

Matthew's Bible 1537

When Ioseph was deade and all hys brethren, and all that generation:

Coverdale Bible 1535

Now wha Ioseph was deed, and all his brethren, and all they that lyued at that tyme,

Wycliffe Bible 1382

Forsothe Joseph was in Egipt; and whanne he was deed, and alle hise brithren, and al his kynrede,

The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Further details

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
Permission to non-commercially distribute freely