Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
8:1 | It happened, that in the syxte yeare the fyfth daye of the syxte moneth. I sat in my house, and the Lordes of the councell of Iuda with me: and the hande of the Lorde God fell euen there vpon me. |
8:2 | And as I loked vp, I sawe as it were a licknesse of fyre from hys loynes downe warde and from hys loynes vpwarde it shyned maruelous cleare & lyke an angell to loke vpon. |
8:3 | This symilitude stretched out an hande, and toke me by the hearrye lockes of my head, and the sprete lyft me vp betwyxte heauen and earth: and brought me in a visyon to Ierusalem, into the entrie of the inner porte that lyeth towarde the north: there stode an ymage, with whom he that hath all thynges in hys power, was very wroth. |
8:4 | And beholde, the glory of the God of Israel was in the same place: euen as I had sene it afore in the felde. |
8:5 | And he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, O lyft vp thyne eyes, and loke towarde the north. Then lyft I vp myne eyes towarde the north, & beholde: besyde the porte northwarde, there was an aulter made vnto the ymage of prouocacyon in the very entryng in. |
8:6 | And he sayde furthermore vnto me: Thou sonne of man, seest thou what these do? Seest thou the greate abhominacyons that the house of Israel commytte in thys place? to dryue me from my sanctuary? But turne the aboute, and thou shalt se yet greater abhominacyons. |
8:7 | And wyth that brought he me to the courte gate: & when I loked, beholde, there was an hole in the wall. |
8:8 | Then sayde he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, dygge thorow the wall. And when I dygged thorow the wall, beholde, there was a dore. |
8:9 | And he sayde vnto me: Go thy waye in, and loke what wycked abhominacyons they do here. |
8:10 | So I wente in, and sawe: and beholde, there were all maner ymages of wormes & beastes, all Idoles and abhominacyons of the house of Israel paynted euery one rounde about the wall. |
8:11 | Ther stode also before the ymages .lxx. Lordes of the councell of the house of Israel: and in the myddest of them stode Iaazanih the sonne of Saphan: And euery one of them had a censoure in hys hande, and out of the incense, there went a smoke, as it had bene a cloude. |
8:12 | Then sayde he vnto me. Thou sonne of man, hast thou sene what the Senatoures of the house of Israel do secretly, euery one in hys chambre? For they saye: Tush, the Lorde seeth vs not, the Lorde regardeth not the worlde. |
8:13 | And he sayd vnto me: Turne the yet agayne, and thou shalt se yet greater abhominacyons that they do. |
8:14 | And wyth that he brought me to the dore of the porte of the Lordes house, towarde the north. And beholde, there sat women mournynge for Thamus. |
8:15 | Then sayde he vnto me: hast thou sene thys, thou sonne of man? Turne the aboute, and thou shalt se yet greater abhominacyons then thes are. |
8:16 | And so he brought me into the inwarde court of the Lordes house: and beholde at the porte of the Lordes house, betwyxte the fore entrye and the aulter, there were fyue and twenty men, that turned their backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and theyr faces towarde the easte, and these worshypped the sonne. |
8:17 | And he sayde vnto me: hast thou sene this, thou sonne of man? Thynketh the house of Iuda, that it is but a trifle, to do these abhominacyons here? Shulde they fyll the lande full of wyckednesse, and vndertake to prouoke me vnto anger? Yee, and purposely to cast vp theyr noses vpon me? |
8:18 | Therfore will I also do some thynge in my wrathfull dyspleasure, so that myne eye shall not ouerse them, nether wyll I spare them. Yee, and though they crye in myne eares wyth loude voyce, yet wyll I not heare them. |
The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."