
Textus Receptus Bibles

Bishops Bible 1568


20:1And God spake all these wordes, and said
20:2I am the Lord thy GOD, whiche haue brought thee out of the lande of Egypt, out of ye house of bondage
20:3Thou shalt haue none other Gods in my sight
20:4Thou shalt make thee no grauen image, neyther any similitude that is in heauen aboue, eyther in the earth beneath, or in the waters vnder the earth
20:5Thou shalt not bowe downe to them, neyther serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a gelous God, and visite the sinne of the fathers vpon the chyldren, vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate me
20:6And shewe mercy vnto thousandes in them that loue me, and kepe my commaundementes
20:7Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne: for the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne
20:8Remember the sabboth day that thou sanctifie it
20:9Sixe dayes shalt thou labour, and do all that thou hast to do
20:10But the seuenth day is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God: in it thou shalt do no maner of worke, thou and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy man seruaunt, and thy mayde seruaunt, thy cattel, and the straunger that is within thy gates
20:11For in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seuenth day: wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day, and halowed it
20:12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy dayes may be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth thee
20:13Thou shalt not kyll
20:14Thou shalt not commit adulterie
20:15Thou shalt not steale
20:16Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agaynst thy neyghbour
20:17Thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours house, neyther shalt thou couet thy neyghbours wyfe, nor his man seruaut, nor his mayde, nor his oxe, nor his asse, or whatsoeuer thy neighbour hath
20:18And all the people saw the thunder and lightning, and the noyse of the trumpet, and the mountayne smoking: And when the people sawe it, they remoued, and stoode a farre of
20:19And said vnto Moyses, Talke thou with vs, and we wyll heart: But let not God talke with vs, lest we dye
20:20And Moyses sayde vnto the people: feare not, for God is come to proue you, and that his feare may be before your eyes, that ye sinne not
20:21And the people stoode a farre of: and Moyses went into the thicke cloude where God was
20:22And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses, Thus thou shalt say vnto the chyldren of Israel: Ye haue seene that I haue talked with you from out of heauen
20:23Ye shall not make therfore with me gods of siluer, neyther shall ye make ye gods of golde
20:24An aulter of earth thou shalt make vnto me, and theron offer thy burnt offeringes, and thy peace offeringes, thy sheepe, and thyne oxen: In all places where I shall put the remembraunce of my name, thyther I wyll come vnto thee, and blesse thee
20:25And if thou wylt make me an aulter of stone, see thou make it not of hewen stone: els if thou lyft vp thy toole vpon it, thou hast poluted it
20:26Neyther shalt thou go vp by steppes vnto myne aulter, that thy shame be not shewed theron
Bishops Bible 1568

Bishops Bible 1568

The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.