
Textus Receptus Bibles

William Tyndale Bible 1534

New Testament


4:1For as moche as christ hath suffred for vs in the flesshe arme youre selves lyke wyse with the same mynde: for he which suffereth in the flesshe ceasith fro synne
4:2that he hence forwarde shuld lyve as moche tyme as remayneth in the flesshe: not after ye lustes of men but after the will of God.
4:3For it is sufficient for vs that we have spent the tyme that is past of the lyfe after the will of the gentyls walkinge in wantannes lustes dronkennes in eatinge drinkinge and in abominable ydolatrie.
4:4And it semeth to them a straunge thinge that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of ryote and therfore speake they evill of you
4:5which shall geve a coptes to him that is redy to iudge quycke and deed.
4:6For vnto this purpose verely was ye gospell preached vnto the (deed) that they shuld be condempned of men in ye flesshe but shuld live before God in the sprete.
4:7The ende of all thinges is at honde. Be ye therfore discrete and sober yt ye maye be apte to prayers.
4:8But above all thinges have fervet love amoge you. For love covereth the multitude of synnes.
4:9Be ye herberous one to another and that wt out grudginge.
4:10As every man hath receaved the gyfte minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manyfolde grace of God.
4:11Yf eny man speake let him talke as though he spake ye wordes of God. If eny man minister let him do it as of ye abilitie which god ministreth vnto him. That god in all thinges maye be glorified thorow Iesus Christ to whom be prayse and dominion for ever and whyll the worlde stondeth. Amen.
4:12Dearly beloved be not troubled in this heate which now is come amoge you to trye you as though some strauge thinge had happened vnto you:
4:13but reioyce in as moche as ye are partetakers of Christes passions that when his glory appereth ye maye be mery and glad.
4:14If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ happie are ye. For the sprete of glory and the sprete of god resteth apon you. On their parte he is evyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorified.
4:15Se that none of you suffre as a murtherer or as a thefe or an evyll doar or as a busybody in other mens matters.
4:16Yf eny man suffre as a Christe man let him not be ashamed: but let him glorifie god on his behalfe.
4:17For the tyme is come that iudgement must begynne at the housse of god. If it fyrst begynne at vs what shall the ende be of them which beleve not the gospell of god?
4:18And yf the righteous scasly be saved: where shall the vngodly and the sinner appere?
4:19Wherfore let them that suffer accordynge to the will of god commit their soules to him with well doynge as vnto a faythfull creator
Tyndale Bible 1534

William Tyndale Bible 1534

William Tyndale was the first man to ever print the New Testament in the English language. Tyndale also went on to be the first to translate much of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew into English, but he was executed in 1536 for the "crime" of printing the scriptures in English before he could personally complete the printing of an entire Bible. His friends Myles Coverdale, and John [Thomas Matthew] Rogers, managed to evade arrest and publish entire Bibles in the English language for the first time, and within one year of Tyndale's death. These Bibles were primarily the work of William Tyndale.