
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Acts 17:17

(Click on the Strongs Numbers)

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

G1256 disputed διελεγετο
G3303 he μεν
G3767 Therefore ουν
G1722 in εν
G3588 the τη
G4864 synagogue συναγωγη
G3588 the τοις
G2453 Jews ιουδαιοις
G2532 and και
G3588 the τοις
G4576 devout persons σεβομενοις
G2532 and και
G1722 in εν
G3588 the τη
G58 market αγορα
G2596 daily κατα
G3956   πασαν
G2250   ημεραν
G4314 with προς
G3588 the τους
G3909   παρατυγχανοντας

King James Bible (Oxford 1769)

G4314 with
G4314 with
G2596 daily
G58 market
G4576 persons
G4314 with
G2453 Jews
G4314 with
G4864 synagogue
G1256 disputed
G3767 Therefore

Textus Receptus Support:


Greek-English Dictionary

Strongs: G1256
Greek: διαλέγομαι
Transliteration: dialegomai
Pronunciation: dee-al-eg'-om-ahee
Part of Speech: Verb
Bible Usage: dispute preach (unto) reason (with) speak.

to say thoroughly that is discuss (in argument or exhortation)

1. to think different things with one's self, mingle thought with thought

a. to ponder, revolve in mind

2. to converse, discourse with one, argue, discuss

Thayer's Greek–English Lexicon
of the New Testament 1889
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
by James Strong (S.T.D.) (LL.D.) 1890.