
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Luke 21:9

(Click on the Strongs Numbers)

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

G3752 when οταν
G1161 But δε
G191 ye shall hear ακουσητε
G4171 of wars πολεμους
G2532 and και
G181 commotions ακαταστασιας
G3361 be not μη
G4422 terrified πτοηθητε
G1163 must δει
G1063 for γαρ
G5023 these things ταυτα
G1096 come to pass γενεσθαι
G4412 first πρωτον
G235   αλλ
G3756   ουκ
G2112 by ευθεως
G3588 the το
G5056 end τελος

King James Bible (Oxford 1769)

G3752 when
G191 hear
G4171 wars
G181 commotions
G4422 terrified
G5023 things
G1163 must
G4412 first
G1096 pass

Textus Receptus Support:


Greek-English Dictionary

Strongs: G1096
Greek: γίνομαι
Transliteration: ginomai
Pronunciation: ghin'-om-ahee
Part of Speech: Verb
Bible Usage: arise be assembled be (come -fall -have self) be brought (to pass) (be) come (to pass) continue be divided be done draw be ended fall be finished follow be found be fulfilled + God forbid grow happen have be kept be made be married be ordained to be partake pass be performed be published require seem be showed X-(idiom) soon as it was sound be taken be turned use wax will would be wrought.

to cause to be (gen -erate) that is (reflexively) to become (come into being) used with great latitude (literally figuratively intensively etc.)

1. to become, i.e. to come into existence, begin to be, receive being

2. to become, i.e. to come to pass, happen

a. of events

3. to arise, appear in history, come upon the stage

a. of men appearing in public

4. to be made, finished

a. of miracles, to be performed, wrought

5. to become, be made

Thayer's Greek–English Lexicon
of the New Testament 1889
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
by James Strong (S.T.D.) (LL.D.) 1890.