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Romans - Chapter: 15

15:1We whiche are strong, ought to beare the fraylnes of them whiche are weake, and not to stande in our owne conceptes.
15:2Let euery man please his neyghboure vnto his wealth and edifiynge.
15:3For Christe pleased not hym selfe, but as it is writen: The rebukes of them whiche rebuke the, fell on me.
15:4Whatsoeuer thynges are wrytten afore tyme, are wrytten for oure learnyng, that we thorowe pacyence and comforte of the scrypture myght haue hope.
15:5The God of pacience and consolatyon, geue vnto euery one of you, that ye be lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Christe Iesu,
15:6that ye all agreynge together, maye with one mouthe prayse God the father of oure Lorde Iesus,
15:7Wherfore receyue ye on another, as Christe receyued vs, to the prayse of God.
15:8And I saye that Iesu Christ was a mynyster of the circumcysyon for the trueth of God is to confyrme the promyses made vnto the fathers.
15:9And let the Gentyles prayse God for hys mercye, as it is written: For thys cause I wyll prayse the amonge the Gentyles, & sing in thy name.
15:10And agayne he sayth: reioyse ye Gentyles with his people.
15:11And agayn. Prayse the Lorde all ye gentyles, and laude hym all nacyons.
15:12And in another place Esayas saith: there shalbe the rote of Iesse, and he that shall ryse to reygne ouer the Gentyles: in hym shal the Gentyles truste.
15:13The God of hope fil you with all ioye, and peace in beleuynge, that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holye ghoste.
15:14I my selfe am full certifyed of you my brethren. that ye your selues are full of goodnes and fylled with all knoweledge, and are able to exhorte one another.
15:15Neuerthelesse brethren I haue some what boldelye wrytten vnto you, as one that putteth you in remembraunce thorowe the grace that is geuen me of God,
15:16that I should be the minister of Iesu Christe amonge the Gentyles, and should minister the glad tydynges of God, that the gentils myghte be an acceptable offerynge, sanctifyed by the holye ghoste.
15:17I haue therfore where of I maye reioyce in Christe Iesu, in those thynges which partayne to God.
15:18For I dare not speake of anye of those thynges whiche Christe hath not wrought by me, to make the gentyls obedient, with worde and dede,
15:19in myghty sygnes and wonders, by the power of the spirite of God: so that from Hierusalem and the coastes rounde about vnto Illiricum, I haue fylled al countreys with the glad tydynges of Christe.
15:20So haue I enforced my selfe to preache the Gospell, not where Christe was named, leste I shoulde haue buylt on another mannes foundacyon:
15:21but as it is wrytten: To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see, and they that heard not, shall vnderstande.
15:22For thys cause I haue ben ofte let to come vnto you:
15:23but nowe seyng I haue no more to do in these countreys, & also haue ben desyrous manye yeares to come vnto you,
15:24when I shall take my iorneye into Spayne, I wyll come to you. I truste to set you in my iourneye, and to be broughte on my way thytherwarde by you after that I haue somwhat enioyed you.
15:25Now go I vnto Hierusalem, and ministre vnto the saynctes.
15:26For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distribution vpon the pore saynctes, whiche are at Hierusalem.
15:27It hath pleased them verely, and theyr detters are they. For yf the gentyles be made partakers of theyr spirituall thynges, theyr dutye is to ministre vnto them in carnall thynges.
15:28When I haue perfourmed thys, and haue broughte them thys frute sealed. I wyll come backe agayne by you into Spayne.
15:29And I am sure when I come, that I shall come with aboundaunce of the blessinge of the Gospell of Christe.
15:30I beseche you brethren for oure Lorde Iesus Christes sake, and for the loue of the spyryte, that ye healpe me in my busynes, with your prayers to God for me,
15:31that I maye be delyuered from them whiche beleue not in Iewry, and that thys my seruyce, whiche I haue to Hierusalem, maye be accepted of the saynctes,
15:32that I maye come vnto you wyth ioye, by the wyll of God, and maye with you be refreshed.
15:33The God of peace be with you. Amen.


15:1We whych are stronge ought to beare the fraylnes of them, whych are weake, and not to stonde in oure awne consaytes.
15:2Let euery man please hys neyghbour vnto hys welth and edifyinge.
15:3For Christ pleased not him selfe: but as it is written. The rebukes of them which rebuked the, fell on me.
15:4Whatsoeuer thinges are written afore tyme, they are written for our learnynge, that we thorow pacience and comforte of the scriptures, myght haue hope.
15:5The God of pacyence and consolacyon, graunt you, to be lyke mynded one towardes another, after the ensample of Chryst Iesu:
15:6that ye all agreynge together maye wyth one mouth prayse God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst.
15:7Wherfore, receaue ye one another, as Chryst receaued vs, to the prayse of God.
15:8And thys I saye, that Iesus Chryst was a mynister of the circumcisyon for the trueth of God, to conferme the promyses made vnto the fathers:
15:9that the gentyls myght prayse God for hys mercy, as it is wrytten. For this cause I will prayse the amonge the gentyls, and synge vnto thy name.
15:10And agayne he sayth: reioyse ye gentyles wyth hys people.
15:11And agayne, prayse the Lorde all ye gentyls, and laude hym all ye nacyons together.
15:12And agayne Esay sayth: ther shalbe the rote of Iesie, and he that shall ryse to raygne ouer the gentyls: in hym shall the gentyls trust.
15:13The God of hope fyll you wyth all ioye and peace in beleuyng: that ye maye be ryche in hope, thorow the power of the holy ghost.
15:14I my selfe am full certifyed of you (my brethren) that ye also are full of goodnes, & fylled with all knowledge, willinge to exhorte one another.
15:15Neuerthelesse (brethren) I haue some what more boldly wrytten vnto you, partely to put you in remembraunce, thorow the grace that is geuen me of God,
15:16that I shuld be the minister of Iesu Christ amonge the Gentyls, & shuld minyster the Gospell of God, that the offeryng of the gentyls myght be acceptable, & sanctified by the holy ghost.
15:17I haue therfore wherof I maye reioyse thorow Chryst Iesu, in those thinges which pertayne to God.
15:18For I dare not speake of eny of those thynges, whych Chryst hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentyls obedient, with worde and dede,
15:19in myghty sygnes & wonders, by the power of the sprete of God: so that from Ierusalem & the coastes rounde aboute vnto Illyrycum, I haue fylled all countres with the Gospell of Christ.
15:20So haue I enforsed my selfe to preache the Gospell, not where Chryst was named, lest I shulde haue bylt on another mannes foundacyon:
15:21but as it is written. To whom he was not spoken of, they shall se: & they that hearde not, shall vnderstande.
15:22For this cause I haue bene ofte let that I could not come vnto you:
15:23but nowe, seynge I haue nomore to do in these countrees, and also haue bene desyrous many yeares to come vnto you,
15:24whensoeuer I take my iorney into spayne, I wyll come to you. For I trust to se you in my iorney, and to be brought on my waye thither warde by you, after that I haue somwhat enioyed your acquaintaunce.
15:25Now go I vnto Ierusalem, and minister vnto the saynctes.
15:26For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distribucyon vpon the poore saynctes, whych are at Ierusalem.
15:27It hath pleased them verely, and their detters are they. For yf the Gentyls be made partetakers of their spirituall thynges, their dutie is to minyster vnto them in bodyly thinges.
15:28When I haue performed this, and haue brought them this frute sealed, I wyll come backe agayne by you into Spayne.
15:29I am sure that when I come vnto you I shall come with aboundaunce of the blessynge of the Gospell of Chryst.
15:30I beseche you brethren for oure Lord Iesus Christes sake, and for the loue of the sprete, that ye helpe me in my busynes with youre prayers to God for me,
15:31that I maye be delyuered from them which beleue not in Iewry: & that this my seruice, which I haue to do at Ierusalem, maye be accepted of the saynctes,
15:32that I maye come vnto you with ioye, by the will of God, and maye with you be refresshed.
15:33The God of peace be wyth you all. Amen.


15:1We which are strong, ought to beare the infirmities of the weake, and not to please our selues.
15:2Therefore let euery man please his neighbour in that that is good to edification.
15:3For Christ also would not please himselfe, but as it is written, The rebukes of them which rebuke thee, fell on me.
15:4For whatsoeuer things are written aforetime, are writte for our learning, that we through patience, and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope.
15:5Now the God of patience and consolation giue you that ye be like minded one towards another, according to Christ Iesus,
15:6That ye with one minde, and with one mouth may prayse God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ.
15:7Wherefore receiue ye one another, as Christ also receiued vs to the glory of God.
15:8Nowe I say, that Iesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision, for the trueth of God, to confirme the promises made vnto the fathers.
15:9And let the Gentiles prayse God, for his mercie, as it is written, For this cause I wil confesse thee among the Gentiles, and sing vnto thy Name.
15:10And againe he saith, Reioyce, ye Gentiles with his people.
15:11And againe, Prayse the Lord, all ye Gentiles, and laude ye him, all people together.
15:12And againe Esaias sayth, There shall be a roote of Iesse, and hee that shall rise to reigne ouer the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trust.
15:13Nowe the God of hope fill you with all ioye, and peace in beleeuing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the holy Ghost.
15:14And I my selfe also am perswaded of you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodnes, and filled with all knowledge, and are able to admonish one another.
15:15Neuerthelesse, brethren, I haue somewhat boldly after a sort written vnto you, as one that putteth you in remembrance, through the grace that is giuen me of God,
15:16That I should be the minister of Iesus Christ toward the Gentiles, ministring the Gospel of God, that the offering vp of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the holy Ghost.
15:17I haue therefore whereof I may reioyce in Christ Iesus in those things which pertaine to God.
15:18For I dare not speake of any thing, which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient in worde and deede,
15:19With the power of signes and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God: so that from Hierusalem, and round about vnto Illyricum, I haue caused to abound the Gospel of Christ.
15:20Yea, so I enforced my selfe to preach the Gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should haue built on another mans foundation.
15:21But as it is written, To whome hee was not spoken of, they shall see him, and they that heard not, shall vnderstand him.
15:22Therefore also I haue bene oft let to come vnto you:
15:23But nowe seeing I haue no more place in these quarters, and also haue bene desirous many yeeres agone to come vnto you,
15:24When I shall take my iourney into Spaine, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my iourney, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, after that I haue bene somewhat filled with your company.
15:25But now go I to Hierusalem, to minister vnto the Saints.
15:26For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia, to make a certaine distribution vnto the poore Saints which are at Hierusalem.
15:27For it hath pleased them, and their detters are they: for if the Gentiles be made partakers of their spirituall things, their duetie is also to minister vnto them in carnall things.
15:28When I haue therefore performed this, and haue sealed them this fruite, I will passe by you into Spaine.
15:29And I knowe when I come, that I shall come to you with abundance of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ.
15:30Also brethren, I beseeche you for our Lord Iesus Christes sake, and for the loue of the spirit, that ye would striue with me by prayers to God for me,
15:31That I may be deliuered from them which are disobedient in Iudea, and that my seruice which I haue to doe at Hierusalem, may be accepted of the Saintes,
15:32That I may come vnto you with ioy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.
15:33Thus the God of peace be with you all. Amen.


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Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
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