
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


10:1I Paule my selfe beseche you by the mekenesse and softenes of Christe, whiche when I am present amonge you, am of no reputacion, but am bolde toward you beynge absent,
10:2I beseche you, that I nede not to be bolde, when I am present (with that same confydence, wherewith I am supposed to be bolde) agaynste some whiche repute vs as though we walked carnally.
10:3Neuerthelesse thoughe we walke compassed wt the fleshe, yet we ware not fleshly.
10:4For the weapens of oure warre are not carnal thynges, but thynges myghtye in God to caste doune stronge holdes,
10:5wherewith we ouerthrowe Imaginations and euerye hye thynge that exalteth it selfe agaynste the knoweledge of God, and brynge into captiuite all vnderstandynge to the obedience of Christe,
10:6and are redye to take vengeaunce on all disobedience, when youre obedience is fulfylled.
10:7Loke ye on thynges after the vtter apparence? Yf any man truste in hym selfe that he is Christes, let the same also consydre of him self that as he is Christes, euen so are we Christes
10:8and thoughe I shoulde boste my selfe some what more of oure authoritie which the Lord hath geuen vs to edifye, and not to destroye you, it shoulde not be to my shame.
10:9This say I, leste I shoulde seme, as thoughe I went about to make you afrayde with letters.
10:10For the Epystles (sayeth he) are sore and stronge, but hys bodely presence is weake, and hys speach rude.
10:11Let hym that is suche, thynke on thys wyse, that as we are in wordes by letters when we are absent, such are we in dedes when we are present.
10:12For we can not fynde in oure hertes to make oure selues of the numbre of them, or to compare oure selues to them, whiche laud them selues, neuerthelesse while they measure them selues wyth them selues, and compare them selues with them selues, they vnderstande nought.
10:13But we wyll not reioyce aboue measure: but accordynge to the quantitye of the measure, whiche God hath distrybuted vnto vs, a measure that reacheth euen vnto you.
10:14For we stretche not oure selues beyonde measure, as thoughe we had not reacheth vnto you. For euen vnto you haue we come with the Gospell of Christe,
10:15and we boste not oure selues out of measure in other mens labours. Yea, and we hope, when your fayth is increased amonge you, to be magnifyed accordynge to oure measure more largelye,
10:16and to preache the Gospell in those regyons, whiche are beyonde you: and not to reioyce of that whiche is by another mans measure prepared already.
10:17Let hym that reioyceth, reioyce in the Lord.
10:18For he that prayseth hym self, is not allowed: but he whom the Lorde prayseth.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.