
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


3:1Heare, what the Lorde speaketh vnto you (O ye chyldren of Israel) namely, vnto all the tribes whome I broughte oute of Egypte, and sayd:
3:2you only haue I accepted from all the generacyons of the earthe: therfore wyl I vyset you in all youre wickednesses.
3:3Maye twayne walke together, excepte they be agreed amonge them selues?
3:4Doth a lyon roare in the woodde, excepte he haue a praye? Or cryeth a lyons whelpe oute of hys denne, excepte he haue gotten somthing?
3:5Doth a byrde fall in a snare vpon the earthe, where no fouler is? Taketh a man hys snare vp from the grounde, afore he catche somwhat?
3:6Crye they oute alarum wyth the trompet in the cytye, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there anye plage in a cytye withoute it be the Lordes doynge?
3:7Nowe doth the Lorde God no maner of thynge, but he telleth hys secrete before vnto hys seruauntes the Prophetes.
3:8When a lyon roareth, who wyll not be afrayed? Seynge then that the Lord God him selfe speaketh, who wyll not prophecye?
3:9Preache in the palaces at Asdod, and in the palaces of the lande of Egypte, and saye: gather you together vpon the mountaynes of Samaria, so shall ye se greate murther and vyolente oppressyon amonge them, for why, they regarde not the thyng that is ryght
3:10saith the Lorde: they gather together euyll gotten goodes, and laye vp robbery in theyr houses.
3:11Therfore thus sayth the Lorde God. This lande shalbe troubled and beseged rounde aboute, thy strength shalbe plucte from the, & thy palaces robbed.
3:12Thus sayeth the Lorde lyke as an hyrdeman taketh two legges or a pece of an eare oute of the lions mouth: Euen so the chyldren of Israel (that dwell in Samaria, hauynge theyr couches in the corner, and theyr beddes at Damascus) shalbe plucte awaye.
3:13Heare, and beare recorde in the house of Iacob (sayeth the Lorde GOD of hostes)
3:14that when I begynne to vyset the wickednes of Israel, I wyll viset the aulters at Bethell also, so that the hornes of the aulter shalbe broken of, and fall to the grounde.
3:15As for the wynter house and sommer house I wyll smyte them doune, and the houses of Iuery, yea, & many other houses shal perysh, and be destroyed, sayeth the Lorde.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.