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Textus Receptus Bibles

Jay P. Green's Literal Translation 1993



4:1But it was a great calamity to Jonah's eye, and it kindled anger in him.
4:2And he prayed to Jehovah, and said, Please, O Jehovah, was this not my word while I was on my own land? On account of this, I fled to Tarshish before, for I knew that You are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and One who repents over calamity.
4:3And now, O Jehovah, please take my life from me. For better is my death than my life.
4:4And Jehovah said, Is anger rightly kindled in you?
4:5And went out from the city and sat on the east of the city. And he made there a booth for himself and sat under it in the shade until he should see what would happen in the city.
4:6And Jehovah God appointed a plant, and it came up over to be shade over his head, in order to deliver him from his misery. And rejoiced over the plant with great joy.
4:7But God appointed a worm at the rising of the dawn of the next day, and it struck the plant, and it dried up.
4:8And it happened when the sun shone, God had appointed a scorching east wind; and the sun struck Jonah's head, so that he fainted; and he asked for his life to die. And he said, Better is my death than my life.
4:9And God said to Jonah, Is your anger rightly kindled over the plant? And he said, My anger is rightly kindled, even to death.
4:10And Jehovah said, You have had pity on the plant for which you had not labored, nor made it grow, which was the son of a night and perished the son of a night,
4:11and should I not have pity on Nineveh, the great city in which are more than a hundred and twenty thousand men who do not know between the right and the left hand , and many cattle?
Green's Literal Translation 1993

Green's Literal Translation 1993

Green's Literal Translation (Literal Translation of the Holy Bible - LITV), is a translation of the Bible by Jay P. Green, Sr., first published in 1985. The LITV takes a literal, formal equivalence approach to translation. The Masoretic Text is used as the Hebrew basis for the Old Testament, and the Textus Receptus is used as the Greek basis for the New Testament.

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993
by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr.,
Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.