
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Acts 21:39


Textus Receptus (Scrivener 1894)

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον

Textus Receptus (Elzevir 1624)

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον

Textus Receptus (Beza 1598)

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον

Byzantine Majority Text 2000

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον

Byzantine Majority Text (Family 35)

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον

Textus Receptus New Testament Variants

Textus Receptus (TR),
Byzantine Majority Text (BM),
Alexandrian Text (Ax)

ειπεν δε ο παυλος εγω ανθρωπος μεν ειμι ιουδαιος ταρσευς της κιλικιας ουκ ασημου πολεως πολιτης δεομαι δε σου επιτρεψον μοι λαλησαι προς τον λαον



Reina Valera 1909

Entonces dijo Pablo: Yo de cierto soy hombre Judío, ciudadano de Tarso, ciudad no obscura de Cilicia: empero ruégote que me permitas que hable al pueblo.



King James Bible 2016

But Paul said, "I am a man who is a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no obscure city; and I implore you, permit me to speak to the people."

King James Bible 1769

But Paul said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.

King James Bible 1611

But Paul said, I am a man which am a Iew of Tarsus, a citie in Cilicia, a citizen of no meane citie: & I beseech thee suffer me to speake vnto the people.

Green's Literal Translation 1993

But Paul said, Indeed I am a man, a Jew of Tarsus, of Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city. And I beg you, allow me to speak to the people.

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

And Paul said, I am truly a man a Jew, a Tarsean of Cilicia, a citizen of no undistinguished city: and I beseech of thee to give way for me to speak to the people.

Young's Literal Translation 1862

And Paul said, `I, indeed, am a man, a Jew, of Tarsus of Cilicia, of no mean city a citizen; and I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.'

Revised Young's Literal NT 2000

Webster's Bible 1833

But Paul said, I am a man who am a Jew of Tarsus, a city of Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and I beseech thee suffer me to speak to the people.

Bishops Bible 1568

But Paul saide: I am a man which am a Iewe, of Tarsus, a citie in Cilicia, a citezin of no vyle citie, and I beseche the suffer me to speake vnto the people.

Geneva Bible 1560/1599

Then Paul sayde, Doubtlesse, I am a man which am a Iewe, and citizen of Tarsus, a famous citie of Cilicia, and I beseech thee, suffer mee to speake vnto the people.

The Great Bible 1539

But Paul sayde: I am a man which am a Iewe of Tharsus a cytie in Cycill, a Cytesin of no vyle citie, I beseche the soffre me to speake vnto the people.

Matthew's Bible 1537

But Paule sayd: I am a man which am a Iewe of Tharsus a citie in Cicyll, a cytisyn of no vyle cytie, I beseche the, suffer me to speake vnto the people.

Coverdale Bible 1535

Paull sayde: I am a man which am a Iewe off Tharsis, a citesyn of a famous cite in Celicia: I beseke the, suffre me to speake vnto the people.

Tyndale Bible 1534

But Paul sayde: I am a ma which am a Iewe of Tharsus a cite in Cicill a Citesyn of no vyle cite I beseche ye soffre me to speake vnto ye people.

Wycliffe Bible 1382

And Poul seide to hym, For Y am a Jew, of Tharse of Cilicie, a citeseyn, which citee is not vnknowun. And Y preye thee, suffre me to speke to the puple.

English Majority Text Version 2009

But Paul said, "I am a Jew from Tarsus of Cilicia, a citizen of no obscure city; and I request of you, permit me to speak to the people."

The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Further details

Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
Permission to non-commercially distribute freely