
Textus Receptus Bibles

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1 Corinthians - Chapter: 1

1:1Paule by vocacyon an Apostle of Iesus Christe thorow the wyll of God, & brother Sostenes.
1:2Vnto the congregacyon of GOD whiche is at Corinthum. To them that are sanctifyed in Christ Iesu, saynctes by callyng with al that call on the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe in euerye place, bothe of theyrs and of oures.
1:3Grace be with you and peace from God oure father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
1:4I thanke my God alwayes on youre behalfe, for the grace of God whiche is geuen you by Iesus Christ,
1:5that in all thynges ye are made ryche by hym, in all learnynge and in al knoweledge
1:6euen as the testimony of Iesus Christ was confyrmed in you,
1:7so that ye are behynd in no gyfte, and wayte for the appearynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christe,
1:8which shal strength you vnto the ende, that ye may be blamelesse in the daye of oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
1:9For God is faythfull, by whome ye are called vnto to the felowshyppe of hys sonne Iesus Christ oure Lorde.
1:10I beseche you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, that ye all speake one thynge, and that there be no dissencyon amonge you: but be ye knyt together in one mynde, and in one meanynge.
1:11It is shewed vnto me (my brethren) of you, by them that are of the housse of Cloe, that there is stryfe amonge you. And thys is it that I meane,
1:12how that communly among you, one saith: I hold of Paul, another I holde of Apollo, the thyrd I holde of Cephas, the fourth I holde of Christ.
1:13Is Christe diuided? was Paule crucifyed for you? eyther were ye baptysed in the name of Paule?
1:14I thanke God, that I christened none of you, but Crispus & Gaius,
1:15lest any should say that I had baptysed in myne own name.
1:16I baptysed also the housholde of Stephana. Furthermore knowe I not whether I baptysed anye man or no.
1:17For Christe sente me not to baptyse, but to preache the gospel, not with wysdom of wordes leaste the crosse of Christe shoulde haue bene made of none effecte.
1:18For the preachyng of the crosse is to them that peryshe folyshnes, but vnto vs whiche are saued, it is the power of God.
1:19For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse, and wyll caste awaye the vnderstandinge of the prudent.
1:20Where is the wyse? Where is the scribe? Where is the searcher of this worlde?
1:21Hath not God made the wysdome of thys worlde folyshnes? For when the world thorough wysdome knewe not God, in the wisdom of God, it pleased God thorough folishnes of preachynge to saue them that beleue.
1:22For the Iewes require a signe, and the Grekes seke after wisdom.
1:23But we preache Christe crucifyed vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge, and vnto the Grekes folishnes,
1:24but vnto them, whiche are called both of Iewes and Grekes we preache Christe the power of God, and the wisdome of God.
1:25For the folyshnes of God is wyser then men, and the weaknes of God is stronger then men.
1:26Brethren loke on youre callinge howe that not manye wyse men after the fleshe, not manie myghty, not manye of hye degre are called:
1:27but God had chosen the folyshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wise. And God hath chosen the weake thinges of the worlde, to confounde thynges, whyche are myghty.
1:28And vile thinges of the world, and thinges whiche are despysed, hath God chosen, yea and thinges of no reputation for to bringe to nought thinges of reputation,
1:29that no flesh shoulde reioise in his presence.
1:30And vnto him partaine ye in Christe Iesus, whiche of God is made to vs wysdome, and also rightuousnes, and sanctifiynge and redemption.
1:31That accordynge as it is written: he whiche reioiseth should reioyse in the Lorde.


1:1Paul called an Apostle of Iesus Christ, thorowe the will of God, and brother Softenes.
1:2Unto the congregacyon of God whych is at Corynthum. To them that are sanctifyed by Christ Iesu, called saynctes, with all that call on the name of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst in euery place, ether of theirs or of oures.
1:3Grace be vnto you and peace from God oure father, & from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
1:4I thanke my God allwayes on youre behalfe, for the grace of God, whych is geuen you by Iesus Christ,
1:5that in all thynges ye are made ryche by hym, in all vtteraunce & in all knowlegde,
1:6by the which thinges the testimony of Iesus Christ was confermed in you,
1:7so that ye are behynde in no gyfte, waytinge for the appearyng of oure Lord Iesus Christ,
1:8which shall also strenght you vnto the ende, that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
1:9God is faythfull, by whom ye are called vnto the fellyshyppe of hys sonne Iesus Christ our Lord.
1:10I beseche you brethren by the name of oure Lord Iesus Christ, that ye all speake one thinge, and that there be no dissencion amonge you: but that ye maye be a whole body: of one mynde and of one meanynge.
1:11For it is shewed vnto me (my brethren) of you, by them which are of the house of Cloe, that ther is stryfes amonge you.
1:12I speake of the same that euery one of you sayeth: I holde of Paul: I holde of Apollo: I holde of Cephas: I holde of Christ.
1:13Is Christ deuyded? Was Paul crucifyed for you? ether were ye baptysed in the name of Paul?
1:14I thanke God, that I baptysed none of you, but Crispus and Gaius:
1:15lest eny shuld saye, that I had baptysed in myne awne name.
1:16I baptised also the house of Stephana. Furthermore knowe I not, whether I baptised eny man or no.
1:17For Christ sent me not to baptyse, but to preache the Gospell, not wt wysdome of wordes, lest the crosse of Christ shulde haue bene made of none effecte.
1:18For the preaching of the crosse, is to them that perisshe, foolishnes: but vnto vs which are saued it is the power of God.
1:19For it is wrytten: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse, and wyll cast awaye the vnderstandynge of the prudent.
1:20Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the disputer of this worlde?
1:21Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde foolishnes? For after that the worlde thorowe wysdome knewe not God, in the wysdome of God, it pleased God thorowe foolyshnes of preachynge, to saue them that beleue.
1:22For the Iewes require a sygne, and the Grekes seke after wysdome.
1:23But we preache Christ crucifyed, vnto the Iewes an occasyon of fallynge, and vnto the Grekes foolysihnes:
1:24but vnto them whych are called both of the Iewes & Grekes, we preache Christ the power of God and the wysdome of God.
1:25For the foolishnes of God, is wyser then men: and the weakenes of God is stronger then men.
1:26Brethren, ye se your callynge, how that not many wyse men after the flesshe, not many myghty, not many of hye degre, are called:
1:27But God hath chosen the folisshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosen the weake thynges, of the worlde, to confounde thynges whych are myghtye.
1:28And vyle thynges of the worlde, & thinges which are despised, hath God chosen, yee and thinges of no reputacyon, for to brynge to nought thynges of reputacyon,
1:29that no flesshe shulde reioyce in hys presence.
1:30And of hym are ye, in Chryst Iesu, whych of God is made vnto vs, wysdome, & rightwesnes, and sanctifyinge, and redempcyon.
1:31That accordynge as it is written: he which reioyseth, shulde reioyce in the Lorde.


1:1Paul called to be an Apostle of Iesus Christ, through the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes,
1:2Vnto the Church of God, which is at Corinthus, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, Saintes by calling, with all that call on the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ in euery place, both their Lord, and ours:
1:3Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.
1:4I thanke my God alwayes on your behalfe for the grace of God, which is giuen you in Iesus Christ,
1:5That in all things ye are made rich in him, in all kinde of speach, and in all knowledge:
1:6As the testimonie of Iesus Christ hath bene confirmed in you:
1:7So that ye are not destitute of any gift: wayting for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ.
1:8Who shall also confirme you vnto the ende, that ye may be blamelesse, in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ.
1:9God is faithfull, by whom ye are called vnto the fellowship of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord.
1:10Nowe I beseeche you, brethren, by the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that ye all speake one thing, and that there be no dissensions among you: but be ye knit together in one mind, and in one iudgement.
1:11For it hath bene declared vnto me, my brethren, of you by them that are of the house of Cloe, that there are contentions among you.
1:12Nowe this I say, that euery one of you saith, I am Pauls, and I am Apollos, and I am Cephas, and I am Christs.
1:13Is Christ deuided? was Paul crucified for you? either were ye baptized into the name of Paul?
1:14I thanke God, that I baptized none of you, but Crispus, and Gaius,
1:15Lest any should say, that I had baptized into mine owne name.
1:16I baptized also the houshold of Stephanas: furthermore knowe I not, whether I baptized any other.
1:17For CHRIST sent me not to baptize, but to preache the Gospel, not with wisdome of wordes, lest the crosse of Christ should be made of none effect.
1:18For that preaching of the crosse is to them that perish, foolishnesse: but vnto vs, which are saued, it is the power of God.
1:19For it is written, I will destroy the wisedome of the wise, and will cast away the vnderstanding of the prudent.
1:20Where is the wise? where is the Scribe? where is the disputer of this worlde? hath not God made the wisedome of this worlde foolishnesse?
1:21For seeing the worlde by wisedome knewe not God in the wisedome of GOD, it pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue:
1:22Seeing also that the Iewes require a signe, and the Grecians seeke after wisdome.
1:23But wee preach Christ crucified: vnto the Iewes, euen a stumbling blocke, and vnto the Grecians, foolishnesse:
1:24But vnto them which are called, both of the Iewes and Grecians, we preach Christ, the power of God, and the wisedome of God.
1:25For the foolishnesse of God is wiser then men, and the weakenesse of God is stronger then men.
1:26For brethren, you see your calling, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called.
1:27But God hath chosen the foolish thinges of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weake thinges of the worlde, to confound the mightie things,
1:28And vile things of the worlde and thinges which are despised, hath God chosen, and thinges which are not, to bring to nought thinges that are,
1:29That no flesh shoulde reioyce in his presence.
1:30But ye are of him in Christ Iesus, who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse, and sanctification, and redemption,
1:31That, according as it is written, Hee that reioyceth, let him reioyce in the Lord.


The King James Version 2016 Edition is copyright © 2016 by Textus Receptus PTY. LTD.
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Green's Literal Translation (LITV). Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr.
All rights reserved. Jay P. Green Sr., Lafayette, IN. U.S.A. 47903.
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