
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Compares the 1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus with the King James Bible.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537



2:1I stode vpon my watch, & set me vpon my bulworke, to loke & se, what he wolde saye vnto me, & what answere I shuld geue him that reproueth me.
2:2But the Lord aunswered me, and sayde: Wryte the vysyon planely vpon thy tables, that who so cometh by, maye rede it,
2:3for the vysyon is yet farre of for a tyme, but at the last it shal come to passe & not fayle. And thoughe he tarye, yet wayte thou for hym, for in very dede he wyll come, & not be slacke
2:4Beholde, who so wyll not beleue, hys soule shall not prospere: but the iuste shall lyue by hys fayth.
2:5Lyke as the wyne disceyueth the dronkarde, euen so the proud shall fayle and not endure. He openeth hys desyre wyde vp as the hell, & is as vnsacyale as death. All Heathen gathered he to hym, and heapeth vnto hym all people.
2:6But shall not all these take vp a prouerbe agaynst hym, & mocke hym with a byworde & saye: Wo vnto hym that heapeth vp other mens goodes? Howe longe wyll he lade hym selfe with thicke claye?
2:7O howe sodenly wyll they stand vp that shall byte, and awake, that shal teare the in peces? yea, thou shalt be their praye.
2:8Seynge thou hast spoyled many Heathen, therfore shall the remuaunte of the people spoyle the: because of mens bloude, and for the wronge done in the lande, in the cytye and vnto all them that dwell therein.
2:9Wo vnto hym, that couetouslye gathereth euyll gotten goodes into hys house: that he maye set hys neste an hye, to escape from the power of mysfortune.
2:10Thou hast deuysed the shame of thyne owne house, for thou haste slayne to muche people, and hast wylfully offended,
2:11so that the very stones of the wall shall crye oute of it, and the tymbre that lyeth betwixte the ioyntes of the buyldynge shal aunswere.
2:12Wo vnto hym, that buyldeth the towne wyth bloude, & maintaineth the citie wyth vnryghtuousnes.
2:13Shall not the Lorde of hostes brynge thys to passe, that the laboures of the people shal be brent wyth a greate fyre, & that the thynge wherevpon the people haue weeryed them selues, shall be lost?
2:14For the earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lordes honoure, lyke as the waters that couer the sea.
2:15Wo vnto hym that geueth his neighboure dryncke, to get hym wrothefull dyspleasure for his dronckennesse: that he maye se his preuytees.
2:16Therfore wyth shame shalte thou be fylled, in steade of honoure. Drincke thou also tyll thou slombre wyth al: for the cuppe of the Lordes ryght hande shall compasse the about and shamefull spewyng in steade of thy worshippe.
2:17For the wronge that thou hast done in Lybanus, shall ouerwhelme the, and the wylde beastes shal make the afrayd: because of mens bloude, and for the wronge done in the lande, in the cytye, and vnto all such as dwell therein.
2:18What helpe then wyll the Image do, whom the worckman hath fashyoned? Or the vayne cast Image, wherein because the craftesman putteth hys trust, therfore maketh he domme Idols?
2:19Wo vnto hym, that sayeth to a pece of woode: aryse, & to a domme stone: stande vp. For what instruccyon maye suche one geue? Beholde it is layed ouer wyth gold and siluer and there is no breth in it.
2:20But the Lord in his holy temple is he, whome all the world shuld feare.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.