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Textus Receptus Bibles

Bishops Bible 1568



2:1Alas howe hath the Lorde darckened the daughter of Sion in his wrath? As for the honour of Israel he hath cast it downe fro heauen vnto the earth, and he remembred not his owne footestole when he was angry
2:2The Lorde hath cast out all the habitations of Iacob without any fauour, all the strong places of the daughter of Iuda hath he broken in his wrath, and throwen them downe to the grounde, her kingdome and her princes hath he prophaned
2:3In the wrath of his indignation he hath broken all the horne of Israel, he hath withdrawen his right hande from the enemie, yea a flambe of fire is kindled in Iacob, and hath consumed vp all rounde about
2:4He hath bent his bowe like an enemie, he hath fastened his ryght hande as an aduersarie, and euery thyng that was pleasaunt to see, he hath slayne: he hath powred out his wrath like a fire, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Sion
2:5The Lorde is become like as it were an enemie, he hath deuoured Israel and all his palaces, yea all his strong holdes hath he destroyed, and fylled the daughter of Iuda with much sorowe and heauinesse
2:6His tabernacle as a garden hath he destroyed, his solempne meetinges hath he put downe: the Lord hath brought it so to passe that the hye solempne feastes and Sabbathes in Sion are cleane forgotten: in his heauy displeasure hath he dispised the kyng and priestes
2:7The Lorde hath forsaken his owne aulter, and hath abhorred his owne sanctuarie, and hath geuen the walles of their towres into the handes of the enemie: their enemies made a noyse in the house of the Lorde, as it had ben in a solempne feast day
2:8The Lorde thought to breake downe the walles of the daughter of Sion, he spread out his line, and drewe not in his hande tyll he had destroyed them: therfore mourne the turrettes, & the broken walles fall downe together
2:9Her gates are suncke downe to the grounde, her barres are broken and smitten in sunder, the kyng and princes are caryed away to the gentiles: they haue neither lawe nor prophetes, nor yet any vision from the Lorde
2:10The senatours of the daughter Sion sit vpon the grounde in scilence, they haue strawed asshes vpon their heads, and gyrded them selues with sackcloth: the maydens of Hierusalem hang downe their heades to the grounde
2:11Mine eyes begin to fayle me through weeping, my body is disquieted, my liuer is powred vpon the earth for the great hurt of the daughter of my people, seeing the chyldren and babes dyd swowne in the streetes of the citie
2:12Euen when they spake to their mothers, Where is meate and drinke? for whyle they so sayde, they fell downe in the streetes of the citie, like as they had ben wounded, and some dyed in their mothers bosome
2:13What shall I say vnto thee, O thou daughter Hierusalem? to whom shal I liken thee? To whom shall I compare thee O thou daughter Sion, to comfort thee withall? thy heart is lyke a mayne sea, who may heale thee
2:14Thy prophetes haue looke dout vayne and foolish thinges for thee, they haue not shewed thee of thy wickednesse, to kepe thee from captiuitie: but they haue seene out for thee burthens of vanitie and banishment
2:15All they that go by thee, clappe their handes at thee, hissing and wagging their heades vpon the daughter Hierusalem and say Is this the citie that men call so faire, wherein the whole lande reioyceth
2:16All thyne enemies gape vpon thee, whispering and grinding their teeth, saying: let vs deuour, for the tyme that we looked for is come, we haue founde and seene it
2:17The Lorde hath fulfilled the thing that he was purposed to do, and perfourmed that he had deuised long ago: he hath destroyed and not spared, he hath caused thyne aduersarie to triumph ouer thee, and set vp the horne of thyne enemie
2:18Their heart cryed vnto the Lorde, O thou citie of the daughter Sion: let thy teares runne downe like a riuer day and night, rest not, and let not the apple of thyne eye leaue of
2:19Stand vp, and make thy prayer in the first watche of the night, powre out thine heart like water before the Lord: lift vp thyne handes for the liues of thy young chyldren that dye of hunger in the streetes
2:20Beholde O Lorde, and consider to whom thou hast done thus: Shall the women then eate their owne fruite, euen chyldren of a spanne long? shall the priestes and prophetes be slayne in the sanctuarie of the Lorde
2:21Young and olde lye thorowe the streetes vpon the grounde, my maydens and young men are slayne with the sworde, whom thou in the day of thy wrathfull indignation hast put to death, yea euen thou hast put them to death, and not spared them
2:22My neighbours that are rounde about me hast thou called as it were to a feast day, so that in the day of the lordes wrath none escaped, neither was any left behinde: those that I haue brought vp and nourished, hath myne enemie destroyed
Bishops Bible 1568

Bishops Bible 1568

The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.